The name of my company is pretty unusual. Pull up a chair. Here's the whole story...
What’s with the Snail?
Mollusca Gastropoda:
What a wondrous, independent creature enclosed in an endless spiral of protection. It silently speaks the language of perfect infinity. They glide smoothly across their magical carpet, undulating across the universe's terrain.
To me, snails evoke calmness and forward movement (can they even go backwards?) No rushing here. Being grounded, earthy, and never losing sight of the humbleness of being a being on this planet.
Their spiraling shell serves as a form of unspoken language, much like DNA. In other words, it is the language of God.
Immortal, eternal.
Snails have been an integral part of my life throughout my conscious existence.
Since childhood, I have been fascinated by snails. Growing up in Missouri, I spent many hours in solitude playing with worms, snails and rolly-pollies. I was what is known as a tom-boy. I still love to be outside in the dirt!
During a traumatic period of my childhood, my brother and I raised giant California snails as pets together. Later, when he was 18 years old, we sadly lost him to a drunk driver.
When I met my husband, I knew he was a bit weird and out-of-the-box, like me. In lieu of wedding rings, we chose matching 'snail trail' tattoos, to represent permanence of our commitment and slow, steady forward momentum - we have been grounded in love for 31 years now. Snails have marked the most important moments in my life.
What about the Candy? It's not just because I have a sweet tooth.
My grandfather, Charles Collison, affectionately known as Mr. Chuck, was also known as “The Candy Man”. He operated his own candy store in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. When I was a kid, he frequently took me, my cousins, and my sister to pick out anything we wanted! He wasn't simply a store owner. He managed subsidized housing and apartments above his shop. He was connected to the community & was a friendly and familiar face to all. He operated his business in an area that was extremely poor and blighted by crime. Many times he was robbed, even beaten once, but he always kept coming back because people relied on him. He loved God openly and had a great faith. I adored his tenacity, sweet disposition, and joyful demeanor. His funeral brought together hundreds of individuals, revealing the profound influence he had and the love he shared. Witnessing the gathering of so many people was a moving experience, unlike anything I had ever seen before. My heart felt deeply touched.
Steady, consistent, and grounded, providing a sweet, joyful reminder of love is what I hope to translate through my creations.
Founded in 2017, running Snail Candy Arts has been my dream job.The name embodies the core of my upbringing, my beliefs, and my desire to share. Crafting vivid, cheerful paintings and murals enables me to engage with others and spread joy.
Reach out, let's get to know one another better.
in gratitude,